With Easter fast approaching; Easter being the Holiest time on the Christian calendar, good news for the Boston area faithful comes along with it. It does the hearts of many good to know that the new Our Lady of Good Voyage Chapel is scheduled to be opened this month. If all goes as planned, the first mass will be said on Saturday, April 22nd.
The original Chapel which is set to be torn down because of development in the waterfront area is still open and Masses are being said until the opening of the new one. It has served as a beacon of tranquility since it was first built in 1952 under the direction of the late Cardinal Cushing. Longshoremen would automatically gravitate to it when their ships returned from sea. It provided a much sought after and often needed place to strengthen their faith with prayer in a beautiful and welcoming setting. It has served the people of South Boston and in fact the entire Boston area for generations and there was no way local Catholics would ever allowed it to be torn down without being replaced. Our lady of Good Voyages has also, over its 65 years in place become a tourist attraction for those visitors who come to this city to immerse themselves in tradition and be part of the very special experience the Chapel has provided for so long.
The new Chapel will contain both tradition and state of the art and updated features. The weathered wood look will still be there to give it the atmosphere so loved by so many. Yet, there will be the advantage of modern technology to help make it state of the art. Stain Glass windows will be tastefully merged with wooden beams and a hand carved Crucifix. A magnificent sound system will be in place and LED lighting will be in parts of the church where it will be most effective and regular lights will be used in areas where they are better suited.
Lifelong Bostonian Colleen Daniels has been going to the Chapel for many years. She travels a lot for her work but when she returns home from here trips, it’s where she prefers to attend Mass. She finds she gets that spiritual renewal that she desires so much at Our Lady of Good Voyage more than any other church. When asked how she felt about the new Chapel replacing the old one that she loves so much she said the following: “I have mixed emotions of course. The Chapel has been a special place in my life for quite a while. At the same time I must admit I’m excited about the coming new Chapel. Both are Houses of God and that’s the most important thing when all is said and done. I loved the old one, I’m sure I’ll get to love the new one as well.”
You don’t have to be a Catholic or even a Christian to attend services at the new Our Lady of Good Voyage Chapel or to just drop in and pay it a visit. All are welcome. Because that’s what Churches and Chapels do. They welcome all.