Co-Hosted by Mayor Martin J. Walsh and Honorary Chairwomen, Mary Walsh (his Mom), Mary McCarthy Collins (Sen. Nick Collins’ Mom), Kathy Flynn (Cllr. Ed Flynn’s Mom), Joyce Biele (Rep. David Biele’s Mom), the Tom & Eddie Butler St. Patrick’s Senior Salute was held on Saturday, March 9th to a gathering of 300 seniors in Saint Monica’s Lower Church Hall. Also being remembered were the late Anne Lynch (Cong. Stephen Lynch’s Mom) and the late Peggy Flaherty (Cllr. Mike Flaherty’s Mom).
Chairpersons for the event were Mayor Martin J. Walsh, Councilor Michael Flaherty and Thomas Butler Jr. Catered by Spinellis, the City of Boston Elderly Services Commission team, led by Mary Beth Kelly, were on hand to see to it that the Southie and Boston Seniors were well attended to. Transportation was provided by Old Town Trolley. Among the dignitaries was City Councilor at Large Althea Garrison, who happily joined in the festivities, as she met and greeted all on hand.
With a full house, extra tables were needed to be set up to accommodate guests. The tables cheerily decorated with balloons and shamrocks. Guests were served a traditional corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots dinner. Irish bread, dessert and Italian cookies were on each table. Seniors enjoyed many give-away items, raffle prizes and gift cards.