After the 9am Mass at Gate of Heaven
Church, scrambled eggs, home fries and bangers, juice, coffee, tea and fresh
cut melons attracted more than 100 neighbors. Freshly-baked Irish soda bread
and Irish brown bread was also served. Irish music played in the background and
then Fr. Bob Casey mesmerized the guests with his rendition of ‘ The
Fields of Athenry’. The Honorable Ray Flynn, former Ambassador to the Vatican,
added his Irish ditty. Sponsored by Senator Nick Collins, this annual breakfast
is a welcomed tradition by the Gate of Heaven Parish Family during the Saint
Patrick’s Day festivities.
The Gate Of Heaven volunteers, Mary Maiullari,
Karen Evans and Mary McCarthy Collins want to remind you that Coffee and
Conversation happens after the 9:00 Mass on the second Sunday of every month.
The next breakfast will be on Mother’s Day.