On May 4th, the annual awards ceremony for the South Boston High Jr. ROTC Knights was held and it was as impressive as always. This very much respected organization gathered to receive the awards that its members work hard to achieve, because of the excellent job they do in the community and beyond. They do it all with typical military precision. It took place at the Boston Police Department’s VFW Post #1018.
The opening ceremony began at exactly 10am with the playing of the National Anthem, then words from SAI. This was followed by the reciting of the inspirational Cadet Creed, which appears in another part of this story. And then there came breakfast and a sumptuous breakfast it was, which was at first served to the family members and friends in attendance and then to the cadets. Once breakfast was over, the Promotion and Awards Presentation began, where the Cadets were recognized for their performance and accomplishments. In addition to awards, special recognition was given to the senior class members, who will be graduating this year and moving on to the next phase of their lives and careers. There was the Special Presentation of Sabers to round out the official activities of the day.
The awards presented were made possible by the very generous sponsors of those awards, which included the following very prestigious list: South Boston’s Thomas Fitzgerald Post, American Military Veterans, American Legion, Armed Forces Retirees Assoc., United States Army, United States Coast Guard, United States Marine Corps, Daedalians, Daughters of the American Revolution, Jewish War Veterans of USA, Korean War Veterans, Military Order of World Wars, Military Support Trust, Military Officers Assoc., Military Order of the Purple Heart, Military Order of Foreign Wars, National Sojourners, National Society of the US Daughters of 1812, Non-Commissioned Officer Assoc., Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Sons of the American Revolution, Special Forces Assoc., Sons of Confederate Veterans, Warrant Officers Association of America, 82nd Airborne Assoc. and the 101 Airborne Division.
The entire awards ceremony was outstanding and well put together. The manner in which every cadet presented themselves was something that all in attendance could appreciate. Overseeing it all were the organizers of the cadet program LTC. Anthony Hinson (USA Ret) and SGT. 1C George Machado (USA Ret) and of course, South Boston/Excel High School Headmaster Renee McCall, all of whom could not have been more proud.