Parish News – As circumstances change daily with the State of Emergency surrounding the safety and health of our Parishioners the following changes will occur beginning Tuesday, March 24 until Tuesday, April 7th.

1. The Parish Office, Gate of Heaven Church, St. Brigid Church and St. Augustine Chapel will be closed to visitors. 

2. The Mass will be celebrated via Live-Stream daily at 10AM Monday thru Sunday.  Fr. Casey, Fr. Karlo and Msgr. Liam will be celebrating the Mass at Gate of Heaven Church and can be seen on our website

As always – we will be answering emails, voicemails and US mail.  Please be patient with us in our responses.   If there is emergency – please leave a message on Fr. Casey’s voicemail and he will be sure to have a priest get back to you as soon as possible. 

Be safe, stay healthy and please abide by the local and state recommendations during this time.  At every Mass that the priests celebrate – our parishioners’ intentions are in their thoughts and prayers. 

For more up to date information visit the Parish Website

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