On Thursday, October 18, 2018, South Boston Catholic Academy held its Annual Childhood Carnival, complete with face painters, dancing, craft, snacks and more family fun activities for all! Also, South Boston Catholic Academy was a part of a feature video for the Lynch Foundation Early Childhood Project. On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, a team of videographers came to South Boston Catholic Academy to highlight the work of the Early Childhood Program and the impact it has had in creating successful, lifelong learners. We are appreciative of our partnership with the project.
Please check our website at www.sbcatholicacademy.org, our Facebook Page, Twitter and Instagram, too, for more info. or contact Mrs. Jamie Brown, Assistant Principal, at j.brown@sbcatholicacademy.org or phone 617-268-2326 to schedule a tour of the school. There are still limited spots available for the 2018-2019 school year.