If you’re looking for the perfect place to stay, South Boston Catholic Academy’s 6th grade Utopia planners have a few ideas for you! Utopia is an imagined place where everything is perfect. Students were asked to consider: If you had to design your “perfect world”, what would it look like? What would life be like for the people who live there? Would all the buildings be painted your favorite color? What would the schools be like and what type of jobs would people have?
Students designed 3-D models of their societies based on their own written plans for “a perfect place”. Their Utopian proposals included a form of government, laws, housing, education, employment, climate, technology, and housing. Many communities are ecologically forward – solar panels for all! If you like treehouses, there are several to choose from. Are you looking for a single place where you could choose to live in your favorite season? These are just a few of the perfect places designed by SBCA’s grade 6 students. Others include societies for sports fans and athletes as well as places for those seeking peace and calm. Fantasy-minded places included a society based on features of Greek mythology.